For Scrum Projects, Estimation is carried out by the entire team at the Sprint Planning Meeting. The purpose of Estimation will be to determine the Users Stories to be delivered during the Sprint in terms of Priority and the capability of the team members to complete the task within the Time Box of the Sprint. Here are CSM certification tasks that demonstrate the value in Scrum Master certification
AProduct Owner is responsible for ensuring that the User Stories prioritized are clearand are assessed and then they are added into the forefront of the product backlog. Since members of the Scrum Team in total is responsible for the production of the increment in the product and the product increment, care should be taken to choose the user Stories to be used in the Sprint in accordance with the dimension of the Increment and the time required to complete the same.
The amount of the product increment is calculated using the number of User Story Points. Once the size has been determined the effort is calculated through the use of previous information, i.e., effort per User Story Point, also known as Productivity.
Scrum Estimation Techniques
The Scrum Estimation of User Stories is done in terms of the level of challenge for all the User Stories. To determine the level of challenge, a specific scale is employed. There are a variety of scales used to help in Scrum Estimation. Below are a few examples of these -
- Num Size (1 through 10)
- shirt Sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL XXL, XXXL)
- cotton Sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 13, 21, 35, etc.)
- Dog Breeds (Chihuahua,.........,Great Dane) The method of estimation is usually used in a way that everyone in the scrum team is familiar with and comfortable with the scale's values. The most frequently utilized and popular method can be described as Planning Poker which is based on the Fibonacci sequence.
Planning Poker Technique In the Planning Poker Estimation Technique, estimates for User Stories are derived by playing poker. Everyone on the Scrum Team is involved and it produces quick and accurate estimates.
Planning Poker is played with an assortment of cards. Since the Fibonacci sequence is employed in the game, the cards come with numbers like 1, 2 3, 5, 9 13 21 35, etc. These numbers are used to represent those of the Story Points. Every estimator is provided with an assortment of cards. It is important that the numbers are on each card must be big enough to be noticeable to all team members at the time one of them is holding the card. A member of team is chosen to be the Moderator. Moderator is the person who reads details of the User Story for which the estimate is being calculated. If estimators have any concerns, the Product Owner will answer their questions.
Each estimator selects the card that represents their estimate. The cards are not revealed until all estimators have made their selections. Then all the cards are rotated and displayed to ensure that everyone are able to see every estimate.
In the initial round, it is highly likely that estimates will differ. The estimators who are high and low give the rationale behind their estimations. Be aware that the discussions are intended to be for understanding only, and nothing is to be taken personal. Moderators are responsible for ensuring that the same is done.
The group can talk about the details and estimates for a couple of minutes.
The moderator is able to note the discussion, which will aid in the process of developing the story is being developed. Following the discussions, every estimator estimates again by selecting another card. The cards are secret until everyone has completed their estimate and at that point, they are handed over simultaneously.
Repeat the process until the estimates are converged to an estimate which can be used to tell the narrative. The amount of rounds will vary from one story to the next.
Advantages to Planning Poker Estimation
Poker planning combines three different methods of estimation
Expert Opinion
In an Expert Opinion-based Estimation method experts are asked about how long something is going to be or how big they will have to be. The expert gives an estimate basing it on their experiences or their intuition or feeling. Expert Opinion Estimation generally doesn't require much time, and it's more accurate than other analytical techniques.
Analogy Estimation utilizes comparison to User Stories. It is a User Story that is used in Estimation is compared to similar User Stories used in the past. This gives exact results because it is built upon proven facts.
Disaggregation Estimation performed by breaking down an Users Story in smaller pieces, simpler to estimate User Stories. The clent Stories to be included in the Sprint usually fall in the two-to five days to create. Therefore it is necessary to include user Stories which may take longer to complete should be broken down in small Use Cases. This also means that there are numerous stories that have a similarity.
Planning Poker is a fun and productive method for estimation. Because the group is open to discussion before that final estimation has made It is simple for the group to reach a consensus and have a comprehensive perspective of the execution of the User Story to be completed. If you're in search of more information about Scrum It is easily accessible by taking Scrum Master training in Pune.