(AWS) Simple Notification Service (SNS) is an web service that automatizes the process of sending out notifications to subscribers who are a part of it. SNS provides this service to both application-to-person and application-to-application. It uses the publishers/subscribers paradigm for the push and delivery of messages. Data loss is avoided by storing data across different availability zones. It's cost-effective and provides low-cost infrastructure, particularly for mobile users. It transmits notifications via either email or SMS via one of the following: Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS lambda functions as well as the HTTP endpoint. If the CPU utilization of an instance is greater than 80% then an AWS cloudwatch alarm goes off. The cloudwatch alarm is activated to the SNS topic, thereby informing users about the high utilization of CPU for the particular instance. SNS service comes with an area that has an distinct name. It serves as an access point and a means of communication between publishers and their subscribers. If you are in the majority of the population that you are a part of, you have the chance to look towards a bright future. It's evident that looking at these numbers does not suffice to make the decision to sign up for one of the AWS Certification as a professional course. If you're seeking motivation for your current IT job, and are looking for new opportunities within your field such as, for instance, you need to decide on the appropriate career path based on the most suitable motives. We'll offer you some useful information to help you determine whether you're qualified to be considered for an AWS career that's the right choice for you.
Benefits of SNS
- SNS enhances durability.
- SNS improves security.
- SNS guarantees the accuracy.
- SNS simplifies and reduces cost.
- SNS allows SMS in more than 200 countries.
- Customers of SNS
Publishers: They exchange messages with their subscribers in asynchronous fashion by generating and sending messages to a topic (i.e an logical access point or the communication channels). They do not provide the specific destination (ex email address) in any message. Instead sending an email to the subject. They only communicate with topics that they are authorized to publish.
Subscribers: Subscribers who subscribe to web servers email addresses, Amazon SQS queues and Amazon SQS queues, and Lambda functions receive the email notification via one of the protocols supported such as Amazon SQS HTTP/S, SMS, email, Lambda) when they have subscribed to the subject. Amazon SNS matches the topic to the list of subscribers that have subscribed to the subject and then sends out the notification to each subscriber. In-depth knowledge can be acquired with better preparation from the AWS Training in Pune.
The steps to create a Simple Notification Service in AWS
- Step 1: Visit Step 1: Go to Amazon SNS dashboard. Click on the Create Topic button.
- Step 2: Enter the title of the topic and the description( optional )
- Step 3: Enter the key-value for the tag. This is completely optional. Click on the Create Topic button.
- Step 4: Congratulations! The topic has been developed successfully.
- Step 5: Return on the SNS dashboard. The newly created topic appears on the dashboard right now. Click the link to the topic.
- Step 6 Step 6: You will be directed on this webpage. Under the subscription selections, Click on Create subscription.
- Step 7: Choose Step 7: Select the Protocol of the subject as Email and the endpoint of the subject as the email ID. Click on Create subscription.
- Step 8: Go to the mailbox for the email address mentioned and click Confirm subscription.
- Step 9 : You will be redirected on this webpage. Your subscription has been confirmed.